Base unit compatible with ALL footrests from MFG !
New 2021 V3 model of rudder pedals ( first pedals shipped late 2020)
Full changes will be published soon along with new pictures. There are no drastic visual changes in design. however, pedals have undergone substantial changes "under the hood" resulting in beefier (sturdier) critical components and reshaped parts based on 7 years of experience in customer support. There are some notable news too :
- built in threaded holes for hydraulic rudder damper addon
- pre-assembled brake cables secured with cable clamp to prevent damage from cable twisting/pulling
- Overall width of standard pedals reduced 5mm
- Modified Me109 style Footplates are 1cm longer with a detachable heel cup (on 2 screws), therefore customers can now increase height of heel cup if their set up require very steep angle of the footrests ( e.g. low seat cockpit)