MFG Crosswind rudder pedals

Most affordable premium pedals on the market


  • Choice of 2 colors and 7 different footrest models.
  • Designed for quick & easy exchange and mounted on universal and versatile base unit.
  • Blend perfect pedals to your liking and flying style
MFG Crosswind rudder pedals all models
  •  20 000 + customers

  •  30 days return policy

  •  2 Year warranty

  •  Service and spare parts

Despite industry leading reliability we are devoted to provide excellent service and only manufacturer to provide spare parts as accidental damage is always possible. This is in line with our policy to rather repair than to produce waste, a small contribution for sustainable future of our planet together with use of renewable materials where possible.
With so many satisfied customers and return policy rest assured we got you covered !

Unparalleled accuracy, longetivity and response time

High quality & resolution contactless magnetic sensors guarantee high precision without degradation over time, making spikey potentiometers thing of the past.

Superb modern electronics provide up to 500 updates per second (capped as >500 saturates some flight sims), therefore zero delay from leg motion to aircraft response to user input !

3rd generation triaxis digital Hall sensor on rudder axis and analog hall's for brakes ( 8192 positions per axis - more accuracy than human's most subtle motion )

MFG Crosswind rudder melexis sensor

Sturdy Composite material construction with some aluminum parts, 17 bearings

Equaly important for accuracy is to avoid use of moving metal parts as they disturb magnetic field which would influence magnetic sensor output. It can be mitigated to some extent with few tricks but precious accuracy and linearity would be partialy lost. Therefore non metal construction is superior when using magnetic sensors. MFG has chosen a well worthy more expensive substitute.
To be able to use pedals as precise as intended, for many years, various bearings well protected from dust accumulation are a necessity to achieve excelence

Stunning desing

Unfold by itself when seeking perfection in achieving all desired functionality in a manner most simple for end user, yet sturdy and reliable for many years to come

Milan Šimundža

Hydraulic damper ready

Predrilled threaded holes for quick install on 2 bolts
Increase immersion with real hydraulic feel or simulate anti torque pedals

MFG Crosswind rudder V3 stunning look

Stepless pedals angle adjustment and toe-out

Minimum angle = 21° ( goes fully horzontal when brake applied )
Maximum* angle = 61° *
* Bf109 = 52° max but can be extended up to 61° by adding 10mm support plate under pedals, or by using "width adjustment plates" extra cost option

Angle adjustment

MFG Crosswind rudder angle adjustment

Toe out

MFG Crosswind rudder toe out adjustment

rudder centering - most advanced, infinitely adjustable and butter smooth

We are aware that you fly all kinds of aircraft. Therefore we created pedals that can quickly and effortlesly adopt so immersion level and realisam always keep up with you. Even Hydraulic damper addon or replacement footrests are just as easy to set up or replace.

First manufacturer to introduce "cam & arm" centering principle for smooth over the center transitions. Fine tunable easy to reach knob for "return to center" pretension  with largest range of force adjustment.

Exchangable CAM centering profiles have influence on progressivenes of force increase when deflecting rudder axis as well as center notch. That allow fine tuning the feel to reflect realistic forces of different aircrafts.
2x CAM's come standard with pedals ( CAM4 & CAM6 ) while more CAM's can be purchased as extra cost option ( currently CAM5 available )
Detailed explanation in PDF file

2x notch to hook rudder spring to achieve stronger or weaker force toward the end of pedal deflection while force near the center remains the same

Tension adjustment range

MFG Crosswind rudder tension range

Tension knob

MFG Crosswind rudder tension knob

Dual spring hook position

MFG Crosswind rudder dual spring hook position

CAM replacement

MFG Crosswind rudder CAM replacement

Differential Toe Brakes

Independent left and right brake axis ( 20 degree motion ) combined with strong torsion return springs provides excellent braking action and feel
MFG Crosswind rudder differential brakes
MFG Crosswind rudder wall spacers

Adjustable "Wall spacers"

Designed to adjust pedals position from the back wall. While in use pedals will push itself against the wall and therefore will not slide around.
It also aids tidy cable managment.

If pedals are not positioned against the wall you will need to bolt them down or use velcro strips instead (not included) as these pedals are not a toy like others and therefore quite strong rudder forces can be adjusted.

MFG Configurator software

Software and electronics

13bit "plug and play" (HID) driver, compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11 *

bootloader feature enable effortless firmware upgrades

MFG Configurator software enable advanced sensors calibration, many other handy features. Sofware is a simple .exe file ( no installation ) Settings are stored in electronics memory.

* drivers compatible with Linux and MacOS, but in case of advanced adjustments require windows as our software work under windows only

cnc machining

Additional info

Made by CNC machining to achieve highest acuracy

Four holes for fixing pedals to any base surface/cockpit

Included allen hex key for making adjustments and 2m USB A/B cable for PC connection

Rudder Specifications DOWNLOAD

Improve excellent pedals with Accessories

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    Hydraulic Damper universal kit for V1-3 pedals

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    Alternate Centering profile for rudder axis on MFG CrosswindCompatible with V1,V2 and V3 pedals

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  • Soft Spring for MFG Crosswind - 1
    in stock, immediate shipping
    Soft Spring for MFG Crosswind

    Soft spring for main rudder axis centering. Considering that standard spring that comes with pedals is very realistic and therefore provide adjustment range from middle strong to strong, we offer this soft variant which provide force range variation from extreeme soft to middle strong.If you are used to softness in majority of plastic pedals and you like...

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